ISSAAS 2016: International Congress and General Meeting
November 5-7, 2016
Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi, Vietnam
The Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) is honored to host the ISSAAS International Congress 2016 to be held on 5-7 November 2016. This year's congress theme is NATIONAL AND GLOBAL GOOD AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES (GAPS) IN SOUTHEAST ASIA.
For more information, please contact:
The ISSAAS Congress Secretariat (ISSAAS Vietnam Chapter)
In collaboration withthe Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA), Society for Agricultural Education Research Development Abroad (SAEDA), Tokyo University of Agriculture (TUA) and Japanese Society for Tropical Agriculture (JSTA), ISSAAS is inviting all active ISSAAS members to submit scientific papers or posters addressing the following disciplines:
- Plant science in response to climate change
- Integrated pest management
- Natural resource and environment management
- Value chain for food and agricultural product
- Innovative technologies for high quality foods
- Aquatic Science
- Agro-engineering
- Animal life science and veterinary medicine
- Agricultural science in society and economy
- Boundary agriculture
Guidelines for Abstract Submission
- Abstracts shall be written in English, not exceeding 250 words.
- Manuscript should be prepared on A4 size paper; single spaced
- and Arial font size 11 in Microsoft Word format.
- The top of the page shall contain the title of the paper in bold capital letters, as well as the name of the author(s) and their affiliations, and the email address of the corresponding author all centered on the page width.
- Oral presentation and discussion is limited to 15 minutes.
Guidelines for Poster Presentation
- Posters should conform to the following format:
- 30” x 40” size,
- orientation –portrait layout;
- material – tarpaulin or heavy coated paper;
- color mix – shall fit to a light display background; and
- content layout – freestyle.
- The general content shall include:
- Title; Researcher/s Name and Institutional Affiliation;
- Introduction;
- Materials and Methods;
- Results and Discussion;
- Conclusions and Recommendations;
- Literature Cited; and
- Acknowledgements.
Kindly submit your abstract to () on or before 15 September 2016. Every active ISSAAS member (paid annual due) is allowed to submit one abstract as main author, and make one presentation (oral or poster).You are also kindly requested to update membership at your respective chapters in advance. The Committee on Paper Presentation reserves the right to decide on the final form of presentation.